Business cash advances allow you to repay a fixed percentage or amount from your daily credit card transactions or buisness bank account until the principal amount of the advance is paid back.
Business Lines of Credit can provide more flexibility in both funding and repayment options that allow a business to take advantage of opportunities and unforeseen expenses.
Factoring is a transaction in which a business sells its invoices, or receivables to a “factor.” The factor then collects payment on those invoices from the business’s customers.
Loans taken out with the express purpose of purchasing equipment. Normally, the loan is secured by the equipment—if you can no longer afford to pay the loan, the equipment will simply be collected as collateral.
Term loans are the most common and are often used to pay for long term business investments. These lump sums often have a fixed interest rate, with monthly or quarterly repayment schedules and a set maturity date.
Loans guaranteed by the Federal Small Business Administration generally for a specific purpose. SBA loans also have some of the lowest APRs, making them a good option for long-term financing.
RGI Funding is excited to help our healthcare providers lower their Medical Practice supply and equipment cost with access to 200+ Top rated industry manufactures.
Medical Supplies & Equipment Vendor List (pdf)
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